Planning Guides

Planning and budgeting for a new fiscal year can feel overwhelming. Where should you invest, where should you pull back, and when should you stay the course? Explore our blog posts for data-backed insights across business functions.



Budget Planning Season Is Coming. Use Forrester’s Budget Planning Guides To Cut Through Complexity.

Sharyn Leaver July 18, 2024
Our Budget Planning Guides will steer you toward budgeting decisions that set you up for success in 2025. Get a preview of what to expect when the guides launch on August 1.

341: CX Planning Guide

The CX Cast February 7, 2024
CX leaders must invest to drive customer-focused action. This means investing more in tech to create and improve experiences, critical employee skills, unstructured feedback, and predictive modeling. Principal Analyst Pete Jacques walks us through Forrester's 2024 CX Planning guide and pragmatic budgeting advice to meet the emergent needs of customers.

2024 Planning: European Leaders Must Avoid An Excess Of Caution And Invest In Bright Spots

Laura Koetzle September 3, 2023
Many of the signals we normally use to plan for the coming year are pointing in ambiguous, counterintuitive, or contradictory directions. But submitting to excessive caution would be a mistake.

Three Tips To Guide B2B Demand Marketing Leaders’ Plans For 2024

Renee Irion August 24, 2023
Where should demand and ABM teams focus their efforts in the coming year? Explore the highlights from Forrester's planning guide report.

2024 Planning: Revenue Operations And Four B2B Must-Do’s

Ross Graber August 9, 2023
With 2024 planning season rapidly approaching, preview Forrester’s four B2B revenue operations “must-do’s” to drive customer value and business growth.

Market Limbo Requires That Marketers Remain Limber

Keith Johnston August 8, 2023
For 2024, marketing executives must steer clear of “growth at any cost” and make strategic decisions about their B2C marketing budgets and work closely with CX and digital teams. Read our recommendations.

How B2B Marketing, Sales, And Product Can Align To Drive Growth In 2024

Srividya Sridharan August 8, 2023
Planning season is the perfect time for B2B revenue engine leaders to address common challenges, share functional insights and competencies, and build a customer-obsessed growth strategy.

2024 Planning: Asia Pacific Leaders Can Afford To Tone Down The Caution

Dane Anderson August 1, 2023
After a challenging past few years, business leaders in Asia Pacific can expect a brighter 2024. Learn how to capitalize with Forrester’s Planning Guides.

Driving Predictable Growth In Unpredictable Times

Lori Wizdo August 1, 2023
Many B2B marketing leaders expect a modest bump in budget in 2024. Our newly released planning guide offers data-backed insight on how best to use that increased budget.

2024 Annual Planning: Don’t Let Caution Become Complacency

Sharyn Leaver August 1, 2023
A precarious economy has tempered business and technology leaders' budget expectations. But now is not the time to retreat. Our 2024 planning guides advise on where to invest and experiment for success.

Planning Guides 2024: B2B Marketing Leaders

Learn how you can put Forrester’s 2024 annual planning research to align your B2B marketing planning for success.

B2B CMOs Must Form A Rebel Alliance To Bull’s-Eye Their 2023 Target

Barbie Mattie February 1, 2023
Joining forces with other key stakeholders will enable marketing leaders to triumph amid vast uncertainty.

How CISOs Can Navigate The 2023 Downturn

Jess Burn January 30, 2023
CISOs must use this period of austerity to reinforce security as a core competency that drives growth and protects revenue.

Smart Tech Executives Will Position Their Company For The Coming Rebound

Christopher Gilchrist January 26, 2023
In 2023, technology executives should optimize their budgets with customer and employee experience as the North Star. Here’s a peek at three actions we recommend in our new report, “Navigating The 2023 Downturn: Technology Executive" to help tech executives can position their companies for market leadership when the rebound comes.

B2B CMOs: Top Five Questions About Forrester’s 2023 Planning Guide

Barbie Mattie January 4, 2023
What share of marketing budget should go toward technology? How can marketing leaders spend money to make money? Here, we answer some of the questions we've been hearing since we published our planning guide for B2B marketing executives.

B2B Marketing Leader 2023 Planning Panel Discussion Q&A

Simon Daniels November 4, 2022
Having run out of time to answer all the questions received on the recent Forrester LinkedIn Live B2B Marketing Leaders 2023 Planning Panel Discussion, here's a quick recap of the session and some follow-up Q&A.

Product Management Spending Recommendations, 2023

Lisa Singer September 9, 2022
Learn where to expand investment, where to hold back, and where to get creative with your product management strategy in 2023.

For European Leaders, 2023 Planning Requires Discipline And Precision

Laura Koetzle September 6, 2022
As war, inflation, and fuel shortage fears cloud the near-term picture for businesses, being shrewd with investments and initiatives will be key.

Four Key Investment Areas For Sales Operations Leaders In 2023

Steve Silver September 1, 2022
Sales operations planning will have to account for economic turbulence, but will find big opportunities in smart tech deployment.

Three Key Areas For Sales Enablement To Focus On In 2023

Peter Ostrow September 1, 2022
Competencies, culture, and compensation — find out where you should invest your sales enablement budget in the year ahead. Read highlights from our new report, Planning Guide 2023: Sales Enablement.
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