B2B Marketing Leaders

Drive A Customer-Obsessed Strategy For Growth

Heightened buyer expectations have raised the stakes for B2B marketers. As buyers take control of the purchasing process, marketing leaders must align their peers across functions to provide an exceptional experience that delivers value at every touchpoint. Achieving this takes a relentless customer focus — and the courage to break away from familiar approaches.

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Challenges We Can Help You Tackle

Developing and executing a sound, long-term marketing strategy that advances corporate growth goals is no small feat — particularly in today’s rapidly changing B2B market environment. Forrester can help you navigate shifting dynamics and build a foundation for long-term growth that’s rooted in customer value.


Position Marketing As A Strategic Partner

The Six Mindset Shifts Top Marketing Leaders Embrace


Drive Customer-Centric Alignment

Fuel Growth Through Customer-Centered Alignment


Prove Marketing's Business Impact

Capture The True Value Of Marketing: A B2B Marketing Leader’s Toolkit


Unlock Consistent Revenue Growth

The Future Of Revenue Operations


Develop An Adaptive Annual Marketing Plan

Seven Steps To An Effective Annual Marketing Plan


Gain A Competitive Edge

Generative AI: A Pragmatic Guide For B2B CMOs

Cut Through Complexity And Deliver Growth

The stakes are high for today’s B2B marketing leaders. Hear how Forrester Decisions can help you break through to buyers, demonstrate the value of marketing, and stay ahead of change in an evolving B2B market.

Bold Solutions Built For You

Forrester helps marketing leaders and their teams expand their impact through a relentless focus on delivering value — both to existing and future customers. Our Forrester Decisions B2B marketing services can help you transform key functional areas into engines for growth.

B2B Marketing Executives

Ignite customer-obsessed growth and drive measurable impact on revenue, retention, and advocacy.

Portfolio Marketing

Hone your buyer understanding, bring distinctive solutions to the right audiences, and turn new business into long-term customers.

Demand & ABM

Forrester Decisions for Demand & ABM helps leaders improve how they target, engage, and enable buying groups — transforming the daily hunt for leads into optimized paths for growth.

Partner Ecosystem Marketing

Optimize your partner ecosystem and develop, enable, and engage your partners to build loyalty and amplify revenue growth.

Revenue Operations

Drive customer-centered alignment to turbocharge the growth engine and accelerate revenue and profitability.

Forrester Market Insights

Forrester Market Insights equips leaders with objective advice on the market, your buyers, and your competitors so you can seize opportunities to differentiate in a rapidly changing B2B market.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Tax Systems

Driving Revenue Growth Through Better Brand Recognition

Hear how Tax Systems doubled the size of its deals and cut its time to close deals by nearly half after working with Forrester to refine its messaging.

SAS Institute

How SAS Aligned Marketing And Sales

Wanting to prove how marketing could turbocharge sales efforts, SAS turned to Forrester. Hear how implementing Forrester’s Plan-On-A-Page methodology tightened marketing-sales alignment — and proved marketing’s strategic value in the process.

See more of our client success stories and learn about the ROI your peers have realized through Forrester Decisions.

Upcoming Events for B2B Marketing Leaders



Self-Service Buying Is A Wake-Up Call For B2B Sales

Rick Bradberry 10 hours ago
Digital buying and self-service are everywhere. In all buying stages, B2B buyers use tools to complete tasks and purchases on their own. Reassuringly, they still value interactions with sales reps and product experts. However, sales teams haven’t kept up with the digital practices of buyers, leading to thinner pipelines, longer sales cycles, and greater customer […]

ABM Won, But It’s Not Done Changing The Game

Nora Conklin 5 days ago
The future of ABM is not scale — it’s profitable growth. Learn what B2B organizations will need to do for continued ABM success.

Promise-Keeping Is Key To Building Customer Trust

Shari Srebnick May 24, 2024
As B2B professionals, we often think that we’re aligned, but we design processes from our own internal perspectives, overlooking how this will impact the customer experience. This erodes trust.

Real Talk With Ecosystem Partners: GTM Evolution

Hannibal Scipio, II May 21, 2024
Early in my career, I received wise but tough coaching from a manager regarding struggles with a new colleague on a strategic project: Pull them aside and have a real, candid conversation with the pursuit of clarity and understanding for the sake of the shared vision and mutual success. The “real talk” that my colleague […]

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