SAP Customer? Come Jam with us!
Hi, I’m happy to report that analyst George Lawrie of our team that serves Application Development and Delivery Professionals has been working with a host of analysts from across the company to put together our first-ever SAP Jam on March 22-25!
SAP is one the most important providers of apps to Forrester’s global clients. We field hundreds of inquiries each year about SAP’s plans and direction. More recently we have had inquiries about SAP’s top management changes and about getting the best return on the enterprise’s investment in SAP skills and technology.
George has asked Forrester’s other top SAP watchers to be prepared to explain just what you need to know, so I’d like to invite you to hear all about it in a series of SAP Jam Sessions – George will moderate all the sessions, and also contribute where appropriate. We would love to take your questions and have you participate too. Please put these dates and times in your calendar now, and follow the links to register.
SAP Jam Session #1: What Should SAP Clients Know About SAP Product Strategy?
Upcoming Teleconference, March 22, 2010, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Eastern time
Paul D. Hamerman, John R. Rymer, Alexander Peters, Ph.D., William Band, Roy C. Wildeman
SAP Jam Session #2: What Should SAP Clients Know About SAP Value For Money?
Upcoming Teleconference, March 23, 2010, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Eastern time
Dave West, Diego Lo Giudice, George Lawrie, Duncan Jones
SAP Jam Session #3: What Do SAP Clients Need To Know About SAP Data Quality, BI, Data Warehousing, And Integration?
Upcoming Teleconference, March 24, 2010, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Eastern time
Boris Evelson, Rob Karel, James G. Kobielus, Henry Peyret
SAP Jam Session #4: What Do SAP Clients Need To Know About Implementation And Support Services, SAP's Cloud And On-Demand Services, And Offshoring?
Upcoming Teleconference, March 25, 2010, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Eastern time
Liz Herbert, Euan Davis, Stefan Ried, Ph.D., Tim Sheedy
Help Us Prepare!
What key questions do you want us to answer for you in the jam? Please respond here, kicking off a discussion in the blog comments, or email me at
Mike Gilpin