Emerging Growth Sales

Emerging companies face many complex choices and potential pitfalls. A solid sales strategy coupled with clear plans to execute is critical for reaching the next level. Read our emerging growth sales insights to help build and implement effective go-to-market strategies and overcome sales challenges.

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Sales Kickoff: Four Things The Best CSOs Do Well

Rick Bradberry December 23, 2022
To set the tone for a successful year, sales leaders should make a point of celebrating past-year wins and equipping their teams to be effective in the months ahead.

Sales Leadership, Assemble! At Forrester’s B2B Summit EMEA In London, October 11–12

Anthony McPartlin July 21, 2022
B2B organisations face a range of macroeconomic uncertainties as they head into the second half of 2022 that pose risk to growth and profitability objectives. While you may not have control over these changing conditions, you can determine your own path through them to ensure that you thrive rather than just survive. Forrester’s B2B Summit […]

Skyrocket Your Growth And Revenue With Our B2B Predictions

Watch our B2B predictions webinar exploring the opportunities successful B2B marketing, product, and sales leaders will embrace — and the genAI content mistake to avoid.


The B2B Sales Leader’s Strategy Guide For Economic Downturns

Nancy Maluso July 12, 2022
Discover actions you can take now to position your organization for a fast recovery.

The Sales Talent Divide And Three Things Sales Leaders Can Do

Nancy Maluso November 9, 2021
A recent global survey sheds light on actions sales leaders can take to attract and retain top talent.

Three Outcomes Sales Leaders Should Expect From Marketing In 2022

Nancy Maluso October 13, 2021
To achieve the results they want in the coming year, sales executives should ensure that alignment and integration with their marketing counterparts are front and center.

Transformation, Not Adaptation, Will Be Key For B2B Sales Leaders In 2022

What It Means October 7, 2021
To succeed in 2022 and beyond, B2B sales leaders need to transform and embrace the new digital normal. Vice Presidents Mike Pregler and Stephanie Sissler explain what that requires in this discussion of Forrester’s 2022 Planning Assumptions for sales executives.

The Top Nine Emerging-Company CEO Expectations For Marketing And Sales Leaders

Matt Papertsian September 27, 2021
To successfully scale the business for growth, revenue engine leaders at emerging-growth companies must share the same goals. Those goals must also align with the CEO’s expectations, which change as the company moves through the early-growth, extended-growth, and prepare-for-exit stages. Nancy Maluso and I recently interviewed CEOs from emerging companies — which Forrester defines as […]

Want To Set An Achievable Number For 2022? Don’t Skimp On Annual Sales Planning

Phil Harrell September 23, 2021
When sales leaders and the sales org are laser-focused on hitting their year-end numbers, it can be hard to give proper mindshare to annual planning. Yet a thorough planning process is critical to success.

How To Talk To Executives And Avoid A Boardroom Ambush

Jennifer Rouse June 4, 2021
You rarely get to follow a script when presenting to the board — which is why the best strategy may be not so much to plan as to prepare. Learn four strategies.

Emerging-Company Sales Leaders: Shape-Shift Or Face Failure

Nancy Maluso January 11, 2021
Sales leaders at emerging-growth companies must evolve their skills and focus to successfully execute and build the revenue engine. Those who don’t will hurt the company’s ability to grow.

Emerging-Company Leaders, Are You Prepared For Exit?

Barbie Mattie January 7, 2021
Only one in 10 startups lasts longer than 10 years. In her latest blog post for Forrester, analyst Barbie Mattie shares how she wants to help increase those odds. Take our five-minute survey and learn how!

How To Create A Sales Plan While Dodging The Curveballs The World Keeps Throwing

Nancy Maluso September 29, 2020
For sales leaders at emerging companies, coupling a clear purpose with agile approaches is crucial for 2021 planning.

Fuel Growth With Strong Marketing-Sales Alignment

Download our alignment handbook to thrive in a complex buyer landscape with teams, processes, and objectives aligned across the customer lifecycle.


Leaders From Sales, Marketing, and Strategy Walk Into a Bar — Can They Agree on the Message?

Nancy Maluso September 15, 2020
  • Getting noticed by buyers in the B2B marketplace is difficult, and for emerging companies with little to no brand recognition, it’s even harder
  • Marketers must create a single, consistent message that the entire company articulates in the market as a bullhorn instead of a whisper
  • These leaders can contribute different perspectives about how to align on message and ensure that everyone in their organizations use it repeatedly 

A Data-Driven Approach For Redirecting Marketing Focus

Meta Karagianni April 8, 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded across the globe, our personal, professional and social lives were fundamentally impacted. As a full-time working mother with two young kids who are now out of school, I found myself having to make changes in my daily routine to adjust to the new reality. Some of these changes made my […]

How to Win Friends and Influence People (So They’ll Approve Your Tech Stack Investment Recommendations)

Robin Whiting December 12, 2019
  • One of the keys to securing investment for your tech stack: Know your audience
  • Those who seek budget for technology would be wise to build a use case that ties that technology to a business need
  • If at first you don’t succeed, find out why, and try, try again

The Most Important Metric for Sales Leaders in Subscription Businesses to Track and Use to Drive Revenue Growth

Phil Harrell June 26, 2019
  • Subscription-based business models require B2B sales leaders to focus equally on acquiring and retaining customers
  • Customer lifetime value (LTV) and customer acquisition cost (CAC) are two critical metrics that sales leaders should measure
  • The LTV:CAC ratio helps sales leaders pull the right levers to align their costs with customer profitability in each segment

Why Sales Leaders Need to Digitally Transform Their Teams

Phil Harrell June 21, 2019
  • Buyers’ purchasing habits have changed dramatically, but many sales organizations still sell the old way
  • Sales leaders need to reorient their entire go-to-market model to match how buyers purchase and use products
  • Sales leaders can transform teams and achieve the dual aims of winning more deals and lowering costs

Does Your Company Have a High-Performing Revenue Engine?

Phil Harrell April 29, 2019
  • CEOs and other executives want to know if their revenue engine is high performing
  • Sales, marketing and product functions must all contribute equally for a revenue engine to perform successfully
  • By assessing each function’s contribution to revenue engine success, executives can improve the predictability of future revenue and profit growth

Sales Is NOT Your Customer

Jennifer Rouse March 13, 2019
  • Marketing and sales are partners – one function does not work for the other
  • Your customer should be your focus, not an internal team
  • Conducting an audience framework exercise aligns all teams’ focus on customer needs

It’s That Time of Year Again! Introducing the “SiriusDecisions’ Comprehensive Guide to Sales Compensation”

Forrester August 20, 2018
  • Sales compensation programs start with a strong foundation of corporate goals and objectives, go-to-market architecture, a plan and guiding principles
  • Ensure sales roles, pay components and total targeted compensation link back to the program’s foundation
  • Use an annual or semi-annual health check to stay focused on the sales experience and the effectiveness of the program
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