Invest In The Right Technologies To Develop Your Financial Well-Being Program
Putting financial well-being at the core of their strategy is critical to financial services firms’ ability to win, serve, and retain customers. To develop their financial well-being program, financial services providers are evaluating and adopting a range of contributing technologies.
In “The Forrester Tech Tide™: Financial Well-Being, Q3 2020,” we highlight 18 significant technologies. The report offers clients advice on whether they should experiment with, invest in, maintain, or divest from each of these. Check out my latest video to learn more.
A set of reports later in 2020 will dive more deeply into a number of the technologies flagged for experimentation or investment.
If you have any questions or would like to know how we can help you and your firm develop your financial well-being strategy, set up an inquiry here. If you’d like to brief me about what you’re doing in this area, reach out to schedule a briefing here.