This blog post is part of the Saying Goodbye to MQLs blog series, where we answer your questions when making the shift from leads to buying groups and opportunities.


A popular question from organizations considering the transformation from MQLs to buying groups is “How long does it take to make this transformation?” The general expectation is that this is a big, multiyear project. But the good news is that transformation can be done much faster than that!

Let’s take a look at Reltio. The company’s transformation story started when Reltio team members attended B2B Summit North America in 2022, where they were first introduced to the concept of “saying goodbye to MQLs” in a presentation we delivered at the event. They were intrigued, and shortly after, we started a series of guidance sessions shortly to explore the concept. Reltio then spent between June to early December of that year researching and discussing the topic more broadly within the wider organization, and by early December, Reltio had made the decision to present this revenue process transformation to the executive leadership team. On December 6, the leadership team agreed to move forward with a new process that left the MQL and focused on buying groups and opportunities.

Sixty days later (in January of 2023), Reltio was live with a new, revamped revenue process. Come June 2023, Reltio was presented with the Program of the Year Award for demand and ABM at B2B Summit, where Reltio representatives shared their transformation story with a standing-room-only audience — it was by far one of the most popular sessions at Summit.

In an encore Forrester webinar, Reltio’s marketing, BDR, and sales leadership described how the company was able to make this transformation so successfully and the results that it was seeing nine months into the transformation. Check out the webinar to hear first-hand about their experiences and the lessons learned along the way. 

Reltio’s Michael Brown, senior director of global business development, and Maria Robinson, head of marketing, pictured with their Program of the Year Award at Forrester’s 2023 B2B Summit North America