data science

Data science is rapidly becoming an area of focus for every business. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about it. Learn how to gain actionable insights from data by reading the latest on data science best practices.

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Wasn’t Generative AI Supposed To Disrupt Business Intelligence?

Boris Evelson 1 day ago
Generative AI was supposed to disrupt how we analyze data using BI tools. Find out why that hasn't happened yet.

Synthetic Data: Meet The Unsung Catalyst In AI Acceleration

Zeid Khater July 1, 2024
Synthetic data is not a new phenomena but generative AI-based synthetic data is rapidly becoming the unsung hero of AI development. Find out why in this preview of the upcoming Technology & Innovation Summit North America.

Why Are Vector Databases Critical For AI Strategy? Find Out At This Year’s Technology & Innovation Summit!

Noel Yuhanna June 27, 2024
Traditional databases are proving insufficient for generative AI models, which often operate in high-dimensional spaces and require searching for similarities. Learn how vector databases can help fill the gap in this preview of a session at the upcoming Technology & Innovation Summit North America.

The ABCDs Of Intelligence — Databricks Makes New Announcements To Pursue Automated Data Intelligence

Noel Yuhanna June 25, 2024
Get six key takeaways from the recent Databricks annual conference including its acquisition of Tabular and a Nvidia partnership.

Forrester’s AI Webinar Series: Navigate The Choppy And Exciting Waters Of Enterprise AI

Sudha Maheshwari June 7, 2024
AI is having — and will continue to have — a profound impact on how data scientists, software engineers, and other job functions perform their roles. Get tips on how to define, build, and implement your enterprise AI strategy with the help of Forrester's AI Advantage client webinar series.

Unleash The Power Of Tech: Technology & Innovation Summit North America

Matthew Guarini June 6, 2024
Technology and data leaders are at a pivotal moment, being pressed to chart a path that capitalizes on new and emerging technology to drive meaningful business results. Learn how Forrester’s annual Technology & Innovation Summit North America can help you get there.

Data Governance: Your Key To Unlocking An Insights-Driven Business

Jayesh Chaurasia February 5, 2024
The key to turning data into meaningful and actionable insights across the organization lies in a frequently overlooked area — establishing a strong foundation of data governance.

Tap Into The Potential Of Synthetic Data For AIOps

Carlos Casanova January 19, 2024
Learn how leveraging synthetic data can help with the critical time to realize AIOps value, such as autoremediation capabilities and enhanced decision-making.

Orbiting Back On A Year Of Generative AI As We Slingshot Ourselves Into The Future

Rowan Curran November 29, 2023
A year after the release of ChatGPT, we take a look back at where it all started, where things stand today, and where we can expect generative AI to go in 2024 and beyond.

Your Data Culture Is DOA

Kim Herrington November 21, 2023
In Forrester’s Data Culture And Literacy Survey, 2023, we uncovered key insights about the state of data culture in organizations. Shockingly, nearly half of employees lack the ability to search for existing insights and struggle to find reports, data sets, and insights. Don’t miss out on gaining a competitive advantage by revitalizing your data culture.

New Company To Focus On Data Leadership And Literacy In The AI Era

Kim Herrington October 16, 2023
Learn more about the recent announcement from Growth Catalyst Partners outlining the formation of a new company to help improve data literacy and data communications.

Supercharging Data Fabrics With Generative AI

Noel Yuhanna September 8, 2023
With the explosion of interest in generative AI and large language models, data fabric is poised to accelerate data democratization. Find out why.

When The Regulator Comes Knocking, Will You Have Your AI House In Order?

Michele Goetz July 18, 2023
The US Federal Trade Commission is officially investigating OpenAI. Learn how you can mitigate your risk exposure by addressing the eight areas of interest outlined in the FTC request.

Announcing The Forrester Wave™: Process-Centric AI For IT Operations (AIOps), Q2 2023

Carlos Casanova July 14, 2023
The Forrester Wave™: Process-Centric AI For IT Operations (AIOps), Q2 2023, evaluated 11 vendors on 30 different capabilities. Read the report to see which vendor came out on top with the highest-ranked capabilities for the broadest set of organizations.

Data Governance Unlocks The Impact Of Analytics: Data Strategy & Insights 2023

Jayesh Chaurasia July 12, 2023
Forrester data shows that fewer than 10% of enterprises are advanced in their insights-driven capabilities. Find out why in this blog post.

Deliver Trusted Data By Selecting A Suitable MDM Solution

Jayesh Chaurasia June 20, 2023
In the era of insights-driven decision-making, master data management (MDM) plays a crucial part by ensuring consistency, accuracy, and reliability of enterprise data. MDM capabilities are a cornerstone of success for companies striving to leverage data as a product in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. Selecting and investing in the right MDM platform is a […]

Key Findings From Forrester’s Latest BI Research, Including The Forrester Wave™: Augmented Business Intelligence Platforms, Q2 2023

Boris Evelson June 14, 2023
Enterprise business intelligence (BI) continues to be the last mile to insights-driven business capabilities. No matter what technology foundation you’re using — a data lake, a data warehouse, data fabric, data mesh, etc. — BI applications are where business users consume data and turn it into actionable insights and decisions. The BI market has thrived […]

Indian Firms Must Take The Data Analytics Bull By Its Horns To Build An Insights-Driven Organization

Biswajeet Mahapatra May 26, 2023
In India, competitive pressures and customer expectations are driving firms to provide personalized information, products, and services to customers and employees. Improving employee and user experiences are among the top software initiatives of Indian companies for the next 12 months. Insights-driven companies stand a better chance to compete. Why? Because they have a better understanding […]

Can Synthetic Data Help Deliver On The Promise Of AIOps?

Carlos Casanova May 9, 2023
Tools leveraging ML models in dynamic environments must be continuously fed new data in order to adapt to changing conditions and goals. They need to learn as much as possible about their new environments before being fully able and safe to provide service and ultimately deliver value. Synthetic data can help address these and other AI/ML challenges.

Building An Insights-Driven Strategy: Where Do You Start?

Kim Herrington April 19, 2023
“Follow the yellow brick road!” Silly Dorothy. She had it so easy. Dorothy had a magical guide that popped up when she needed help the most. For many executives getting started with forming a data team and an insights strategy, the road forward is not so clear. Executives find themselves bewildered and disoriented in a […]
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