Emerging Technology

Emerging technology is reshaping business models and improving digital experiences for consumers and employees across industries and geographies. To leverage emerging technology effectively on their path to business and digital transformation, brands and enterprises must continually assess the technology landscape to separate vaporware from the truly emerging techs, while also evaluating the impact of new technologies on the organization’s technical debt and legacy operations and existing tech stack. Forrester can provide best practices and frameworks for building an emerging technology business case and getting the most from the emerging technologies you deploy. Read our insights to learn how to evaluate, implement, and drive business value with new and emerging technology.

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Converging Platforms For Greater Efficiency: The Rise Of Revenue Marketing Platforms

Kelvin Gee 2 days ago
The proliferation of data and the shift towards buying groups have set MAP and ABM platforms on a collision course. It also has paved the way for what we now call Revenue Marketing Platforms — an innovation that merges the best of both MAP and ABM into a single, comprehensive hub.

Even GenAI-Trained Execs Are Confused About It (Our Survey Shows) — So Give Them Better Training

David Truog 4 days ago
Do executives understand generative AI (genAI) better than consumers do? Nope — apparently not. Our research shows that among consumers, generative AI is poorly understood or not at all (see The State Of Consumer Usage Of Generative AI, 2024). And you might think that execs would be better informed, considering the high-stakes decisions they must […]

Budget Planning Season Is Coming. Use Forrester’s Budget Planning Guides To Cut Through Complexity.

Sharyn Leaver July 18, 2024
Our Budget Planning Guides will steer you toward budgeting decisions that set you up for success in 2025. Get a preview of what to expect when the guides launch on August 1.

Australia And New Zealand: Navigating Business And Technology Priorities For 2024

Sam Higgins July 14, 2024
Australian and New Zealand business and technology professionals have vastly different priorities as their organizations strive for a return to sustainable growth.

Top 10 Emerging Technologies For 2024

What It Means June 27, 2024
The pace of technology innovation can make it hard to keep an eye on the tech horizon. In this episode, Vice President of Emerging Tech Portfolio Brian Hopkins walks through this year’s list of the top 10 emerging technologies, describing when each technology will bring value to users.

The Four Styles Of High-Performance IT

Matthew Guarini June 25, 2024
Most IT organizations follow a dominant style that best aligns with their business objectives. High-performance IT identifies and defines four common high-performance styles to help IT leaders craft the optimal portfolio of capabilities. Learn more in this post.

Forrester’s Top 10 Emerging Technologies For 2024: As AI Dominates, Security Becomes Paramount

Brian Hopkins June 25, 2024
Forrester’s list of the top 10 emerging technologies for 2024 reflects the continued dominance of AI but also emphasizes the growing importance of security in our increasingly connected world. Get a deep dive on the top 10 list in this blog post.

See Our Picks For 2024’s Top 10 Emerging Technologies

Watch our webinar replay to see what Forrester says are the top 10 emerging technologies for 2024 — and use cases and benefits you’ll want to embrace.


Introducing Forrester’s Interactive Wave Experience

Stephen Powers June 18, 2024
Forrester has launched an updated experience for the Forrester Wave™. Read this blog to learn about the new upgrades that allow users to easily customize and compare vendors included in Wave evaluations.

Redefining The Fate Of Virtual Care

Arielle Trzcinski June 12, 2024
Following shocks to virtual healthcare, providers, payers, and partners will have to revitalize this important modality of care. Learn how in this blog post.

Forrester’s AI Webinar Series: Navigate The Choppy And Exciting Waters Of Enterprise AI

Sudha Maheshwari June 7, 2024
AI is having — and will continue to have — a profound impact on how data scientists, software engineers, and other job functions perform their roles. Get tips on how to define, build, and implement your enterprise AI strategy with the help of Forrester's AI Advantage client webinar series.

Six Technologies Will Make Digital Experiences More Humanlike (And GenAI Is Just One Among Them)

David Truog June 3, 2024
The future of human-machine interaction will be drastically more humanlike in six ways — creative, conversational, perceptive, embodied, physical, and personified — as a result of six emerging technologies. But these technologies are still immature, and the road ahead is fraught with challenges.

The Emerging Technologies That Will Drive The Future Of Payments

Pushpa Marwal May 30, 2024
Find out which emerging technologies will shape the future of payments and revolutionize transactions, customer interaction, and security — and which will fall short.

Don’t Get Blinded By Shiny Tech Objects

Get our guide to building a business case for emerging technology investment, identifying use cases, and securing support — and learn how Forrester’s CaDI analysis framework can prevent you from going down the wrong path.


Consumers, Meet Your Virtual Match: Your Digital Double

Stephanie Liu May 29, 2024
Imagine if you could build an algorithm that makes algorithms work for you. You may not have to wait much longer.

Coming Soon: Forrester’s Top 10 Emerging Technologies For 2024

Brian Hopkins May 3, 2024
We've finalized our selections. (And, yes, the overwhelming wave of AI technologies influenced our selection process.) Find out what changed in our analysis this year and more on what to expect.

Introducing The Sustainability Management Software Landscape Report And Forrester Wave™ Evaluation

Abhijit Sunil April 17, 2024
Environmental sustainability is a compliance, accounting, and data management challenge for companies. So it's not surprising that the sustainability management software market is expanding rapidly. Learn more about these trends in this preview of our new Wave and Landscape reports on sustainability management software.

Reflections On The Major Themes From Mobile World Congress 2024

Dan Bieler April 9, 2024
This year’s Mobile World Congress went well beyond the usual telco topics and themes. Learn six of the key themes coming out of one of the most important annual tech events in Europe.

Quantifying Microsoft Copilot For Microsoft 365 Use Just Got Easier

J.P. Gownder April 3, 2024
Microsoft’s new Copilot Dashboard aims to significantly upgrade the data available to Copilot M365 users. Learn how in this post.

The State Of Digital Experiences In Manufacturing In 2024

Paul Miller March 27, 2024
On-the-glass and below-the-glass technologies drive digital experiences in manufacturing and help manufacturers adapt to changing customer demands, optimize production processes, and enhance collaboration across the supply chain. Learn how in this preview of our new report.

Welcome To The Future Of Marketing Technology

Joe Stanhope March 26, 2024
Modernizing marketing technology requires an ecosystem approach. Learn the four strategic capabilities that should be prioritized in a martech ecosystem.

Cisco Live EMEA 2024: Yes, AI Was Everywhere, And So Was A Surprising Amount of Innovation

Madelein van der Hout March 26, 2024
Cisco Live EMEA 2024 was a different event than past years and provided some pleasant surprises. Read our key takeaways from the event based on presentations and personal interactions with some Cisco executives.
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