Customer Experience Strategy

A strong customer experience strategy can pay dividends to your bottom line. But orchestrating across a complex enterprise is easier said then done. Read insights on establishing and implementing a CX strategy.

Discover how Forrester supports customer experience leaders.



Your Personas Are Outdated: It’s Time To Evolve Your Approach

Audrey Chee-Read August 22, 2024
Personas are foundational and seemingly simple, yet deceptively challenging. Learn what it takes to create effective ones.

How GenAI Will Transform The Contact Center

What It Means August 22, 2024
Generative AI (genAI) holds tantalizing potential for contact centers, but turning that potential into reality will require overcoming some hurdles. How should contact center leaders get started? Senior Analyst Christina McAllister provides insight on What It Means.

Explore The What, Why, & How Of GenAI For CX Pros

Download your copy of our best-practice report to get analyst answers to CX leaders’ top genAI questions. Unlock the secrets to using genAI to improve CX, journey management, and more.


2025 Budget Planning: Customer Experience

Watch the on-demand replay to dive into the latest data-driven guidance for CX leaders on how to strategically allocate budget for 2025.

Customer Experience Leaders Are In Dire Straits — Invest To Overhaul Core CX Competencies

Riccardo Pasto August 1, 2024
Getting customer experience back on track will require doubling down on what matters most to customers. Explore a few of our recommendations for 2025.

Budget Planning Season Is Coming. Use Forrester’s Budget Planning Guides To Cut Through Complexity.

Sharyn Leaver July 18, 2024
Our Budget Planning Guides will steer you toward budgeting decisions that set you up for success in 2025. Get a preview of what to expect when the guides launch on August 1.

How To Frame Your Customer Journey Mapping With A Clear Purpose

Learn how to uplevel your journey mapping by targeting key moments, interactions, and areas of improvement so that you can better align your efforts with customer needs and expectations.

US Health Insurer CX Quality Plummets To A Five-Year Low

Judy Weader June 17, 2024
There’s just no way to sugarcoat this: US health insurer Customer Experience Index (CX Index™) ratings for 2024 have landed with a resounding thud. This is the second time since 2021 that the industry average rating had a statistically significant decline — and it’s easy to see why: Ten brands scored their lowest ratings in […]

Customer Experience Quality In The US Falls To An All-Time Low

Pete Jacques June 17, 2024
US consumers' perceptions of CX quality are now at their lowest point since the inception of the Forrester Customer Experience Index (CX Index™). Read a few of the key findings from our recent report.

Outcome-Based Digital Experiences Drive Desired Outcomes For Both Consumers And Brands

Chuck Gahun June 14, 2024
Learn how you can gain competitive advantage through outcome-based digital ecosystems.

Announcing The Customer Experience Strategy Consulting Services Landscape, Q2 2024

Judy Weader June 4, 2024
Nearly 60% of customer experience (CX) decision-makers say that improving CX is the top priority for their organization’s executives, but that doesn’t mean they have to — or choose to — go it alone. In The Customer Experience Strategy Consulting Services Landscape, Q2 2024, Forrester identified 31 firms that are helping businesses diagnose customer problems, […]

Promise-Keeping Is Key To Building Customer Trust

Shari Srebnick May 24, 2024
As B2B professionals, we often think that we’re aligned, but we design processes from our own internal perspectives, overlooking how this will impact the customer experience. This erodes trust.

What Makes Journey-Centric Companies Different

What It Means May 23, 2024
Journey centricity can help companies boost their revenue, reduce costs, and build better experiences for customers and employees. What defines a journey-centric company, and what does it take to become one? Vice President and Principal Analyst Joana de Quintanilha explains on this week’s episode of What It Means.

Announcing Forrester’s 2024 Customer-Obsessed Enterprise Award Winner In APAC

Dane Anderson May 8, 2024
IHH Healthcare Singapore wins Forrester’s 2024 APAC Customer-Obsessed Enterprise Award, which recognizes organizations that are delivering outstanding customer experiences to accelerate business outcomes.

Is Apple’s Blue Bubble Too Big To Burst?

Dipanjan Chatterjee April 30, 2024
Consumers aren’t sold on the DOJ’s argument that Apple is an anticompetitive monopoly against which action should be taken. Find out why.

Is Your Strategy Failing You? Or Are You Failing Your Strategy?

Judy Weader April 30, 2024
The basic concept of a strategy is that it describes what an organization plans to do, and very importantly, it excludes the things that the organization doesn’t plan to do. But it’s not just the what that matters: It’s also the how. When I advise Forrester’s clients on how to think about their customer experience […]

Caution And Lack Of Understanding Steer UK Consumer Attitudes Towards Generative AI

Martin Gill April 25, 2024
Recent surveys about UK consumer attitudes towards AI and generative AI show one sentiment: cautious skepticism. Get three key takeaways from our most recent data in this preview of our upcoming session at CX Summit EMEA.

Embracing The Fusion Of Humans + AI: Win With Boundless Experiences

Riccardo Pasto April 23, 2024
Don’t miss the CX Summit APAC 2024, which promises to be riveting as industry speakers and Forrester analysts share their insights on CX, digital, and marketing, and how AI is making an impact. Join us in Sydney, Australia, or as a digital experience on May 28 to hear from Forrester analysts and industry experts.

Can AI Help Prove CX ROI?

What It Means April 18, 2024
Perhaps the biggest challenge CX leaders have is proving the value of CX. Can AI help? Principal Analyst Pete Jacques thinks so and joins the podcast to explain how AI can help CX leaders prove ROI.

CX Leaders Are Change Leaders

Katy Cobian April 4, 2024
At the heart of most CX roles is change leadership — urging the organization to evolve its thinking and behaviors to achieve their desired level of customer obsession. Read this post to get a preview of how Delta Dental of Virginia's CX leaders drove change and what their three major CX initiatives are today.

Balancing Personalization & Optimization In Commerce Search

Emily Pfeiffer April 2, 2024
Learn how to balance customer expectations and business needs with commerce search.
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