Data Governance

Learn about the latest trends in data governance and how best practices can improve data management and control within your organization.

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Wasn’t Generative AI Supposed To Disrupt Business Intelligence?

Boris Evelson 2 days ago
Generative AI was supposed to disrupt how we analyze data using BI tools. Find out why that hasn't happened yet.

Struggling With B2B Data Quality? Let Me Guess …

Brett Kahnke June 21, 2024
Over the years, Forrester analysts have helped thousands of B2B clients grapple with data quality challenges. Across those highly custom sets of business issues, a few clear patterns have emerged.

Avoid Zombie AI Projects With Our Best Practices

Download our AI myths and best practices guide. Learn how to avoid missteps, prioritize value, and move AI projects out of limbo with quick wins.


Improving B2B Data Quality: Changing The Tires On A Moving Car​

Brett Kahnke June 21, 2024
Managing data quality requires a defined strategy to tackle data management, domain insight gathering, and team enablement, with planning cycles focused on governance, compliance, and technology.

Forrester’s AI Webinar Series: Navigate The Choppy And Exciting Waters Of Enterprise AI

Sudha Maheshwari June 7, 2024
AI is having — and will continue to have — a profound impact on how data scientists, software engineers, and other job functions perform their roles. Get tips on how to define, build, and implement your enterprise AI strategy with the help of Forrester's AI Advantage client webinar series.

Unleash The Power Of Tech: Technology & Innovation Summit North America

Matthew Guarini June 6, 2024
Technology and data leaders are at a pivotal moment, being pressed to chart a path that capitalizes on new and emerging technology to drive meaningful business results. Learn how Forrester’s annual Technology & Innovation Summit North America can help you get there.

Modernize Your Cloud Governance To Match Today’s Cloud Strategy

Tracy Woo April 17, 2024
As the cloud landscape adapts to new changes, there is a renewed interest in cloud governance programs. But implementation of cloud governance may prove to be more difficult than expected. Find out why.

Low AIQ Threatens Employees, Customers, And Your AI Initiatives

J.P. Gownder April 11, 2024
Most leaders underestimate the amount of training and upskilling their employees need to productively use AI tools. That miscalculation puts organizations at risk. Learn how to avoid the risks of Low AIQ.

The DOJ And SEC Acknowledge That AI Amplifies Harm And Signal Stiffer Sentences

Michele Goetz March 25, 2024
Following comments from the DOJ and SEC, tech leaders are more concerned about keeping up with new AI regulations and guidelines. Learn four key steps your enterprise can take to prepare.

​Data Quality Is Now The Primary Factor Limiting GenAI Adoption​

Brett Kahnke February 26, 2024
With the rapid advancement of genAI technology available to businesses even without highly specialized skills, internal data quality is now the primary limiting factor standing in the way of genAI enablement.

Data Governance: Your Key To Unlocking An Insights-Driven Business

Jayesh Chaurasia February 5, 2024
The key to turning data into meaningful and actionable insights across the organization lies in a frequently overlooked area — establishing a strong foundation of data governance.

Tap Into The Potential Of Synthetic Data For AIOps

Carlos Casanova January 19, 2024
Learn how leveraging synthetic data can help with the critical time to realize AIOps value, such as autoremediation capabilities and enhanced decision-making.

The EU Data Act Is Now In Force — What It Means For You And Your Organization

Martha Bennett January 12, 2024
Find out what the Act means for your organization and get seven tips on what to do next.

AWS’s Silent Nod To FinOps

Tracy Woo December 12, 2023
Last week, VP and CTO Werner Vogels closed out re:Invent 2023 with his keynote address on the “frugal architect.” This isn’t the first time that Vogels has introduced this topic. In fact, it was a theme he originally introduced in 2012 that revolves around architecting with cost in mind. To me, and likely to […]

re:Invent 2023 — Is AWS In Unfamiliar Territory As A Follower?

Lee Sustar December 5, 2023
At AWS re:Invent 2023 the AI announcements were underwhelming despite high expectations. Find out more in this extended review of the event.

Orbiting Back On A Year Of Generative AI As We Slingshot Ourselves Into The Future

Rowan Curran November 29, 2023
A year after the release of ChatGPT, we take a look back at where it all started, where things stand today, and where we can expect generative AI to go in 2024 and beyond.

Many B2B CMOs Don’t Understand The Data Requirements For GenAI

Subhendu Pattnaik November 6, 2023
Rushing in to adopt generative AI (genAI) in marketing without setting the right foundation or assessing readiness is a mistake. Harnessing the benefits of genAI effectively requires huge amounts of data, both structured and unstructured, possibly from various different sources. Imagine this scenario: Your marketing team is working to launch a genAI-powered campaign that’s designed […]

BI Governance Lets You Have Your Cake And Eat It, Too

Boris Evelson October 18, 2023
Learn how BI governance can help you achieve true data democratization at your organization.

New Company To Focus On Data Leadership And Literacy In The AI Era

Kim Herrington October 16, 2023
Learn more about the recent announcement from Growth Catalyst Partners outlining the formation of a new company to help improve data literacy and data communications.

Is Your Company Ready For The CSRD?

Aurelie L'Hostis October 12, 2023
Learn what it takes to comply with the requirements of the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Managing The Privacy Risks Of Generative AI

What It Means September 28, 2023
Nervous about the privacy implications of your latest generative AI pilots? In this episode, Principal Analyst Enza Iannopollo shares some insights and mistakes to avoid.
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