organizational design

It’s easy enough to embrace the idea of customer obsession. Yet putting it into practice may require radically changing deeply rooted processes and longstanding silos. Find advice for transforming your organizational design, and learn the steep paybacks for doing so.



Teamwork Lessons From Config 2024

AJ Joplin July 11, 2024
Read on to learn how Figma is approaching rapid growth, organization, partnership, craftsmanship, and collaboration.

Digital Business Strategy Service Providers Must Evolve To Deliver Value

Dan Bieler July 9, 2024
Value creation should be at the center of each criterion for selecting digital service providers.

Can Platform Teams Improve Shared Services?

Julie Mohr February 27, 2024
Business and technology leaders are moving away from shared services due to their association with delays, inflexibility, and bureaucracy. These negative perceptions have led organizations to seek alternatives to meet their agile and digital team requirements.

Winning At Digital: Building A Purposeful Digital Marketing Team

Rani Salehi January 4, 2024
Learn how to communicate the capabilities and competencies needed to deliver compelling digital customer experiences and advance your business strategy.

CX Transformation Is Tough — Equip Your Org To Go The Distance

Su Doyle December 27, 2023
Danger! Obstacles Ahead! Customer experience (CX) has been a professional competency for two decades, and “Prove CX ROI” is still our CX clients’ top priority! Forrester’s data shows that 86% of CX professionals are building (or rebuilding) their business cases. Regardless of how much distance you have covered on your transformation journey, how many projects […]

Skills Management Can Make Or Break Your Emerging Tech Plans

Dan Bieler December 18, 2023
Our new report How To Tackle Your Emerging Tech Skill Gaps introduces two frameworks that help business leaders address emerging skill needs.

Embarking On New Research: From Technical Architects To MTO, Platforms, EAM, And Technical Debt

Alvin Nguyen October 26, 2023
I am happy to announce that I have completed my series of reports about the technical architect, including the expectations for this role, how to help technical architects succeed, and the trends that impact them: Evolve Your Technical Architects For Modern IT First 90 Days: Technical Architect Role Profile: Technical Architect Although the initial research […]

Five Innovative Organizational Concepts Can Help Tech Execs Become Future Fit By Design

Gordon Barnett April 17, 2023
Changing business landscapes have prompted IT organizations to explore creative and innovative ways of structuring their business and operating models. Five key organizational concepts have emerged as particularly promising approaches: fractal organization, distributed autonomous organization, ecosystem organization, boundaryless organization, and adaptive organization.

Advance Digital Marketing Capabilities And Competencies To Achieve New Outcomes

Rani Salehi March 28, 2023
Learn how to communicate the capabilities and competencies needed to deliver compelling digital customer experiences and advance your business strategy.

Reconfiguring Reporting Lines Is No Quick Fix: Insights From Our B2B Marketing Predictions Webinar

Amy Hawthorne March 20, 2023
Our recent B2B marketing Predictions webinar explored how some organizations will try to strengthen marketing-sales alignment. Learn how that could fall short — and what the better alternatives are.

Five Reasons Why CISOs Should Report To CEOs

Jeff Pollard February 21, 2023
Cybersecurity problems won’t disappear, but CISOs who are elevated in the organization run better cybersecurity programs.

The Three Essentials To Optimizing B2B Marketing Orchestration

Bob McKinnon January 6, 2023
When it comes to getting the best out of a marketing organization, what you do and how you do it are equally important. Discover three keys to optimizing marketing processes and workflows.

Three Steps To Build B2B Digital Marketing Capabilities

Rani Salehi December 14, 2022
For B2B marketing leaders looking to achieve digital transformation, it’s important to know what your specific aims are and break down the endeavor into smaller, defined steps.

How Transforming Your Marketing Operating Model Is Like Driving In New York City

Nick Buck December 12, 2022
Leading a transformation initiative inevitably requires contending with forces outside of one's control. Here’s how marketing leaders can better manage them

Learn From Amazon’s Approach To Innovation

Dan Bieler October 22, 2022
Investigate the concepts that guide Amazon’s approach to innovation. There will be elements of great relevance for your organization. You can learn from and embrace these elements to fundamentally rethink your own approach to innovation.

Is Your IT Organization’s Operating Model A Speed Bump In Waiting?

Gordon Barnett October 13, 2022
The pandemic taught technology leaders the value of being adaptive. Learn five key design principles to make your IT operating models more adaptive.

Balance Digital Accountability To Optimize Digital Teams

Michelle Beeson October 13, 2022
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to digital team org structure. Instead, digital leaders should align to three critical capabilities as they build out their organizational structure.

Building A Customer-Centric, Cross-Functional, And Flexible Digital Team

Michelle Beeson October 11, 2022
Building a digital team that can achieve pressing priorities requires flexibility and cross-functional collaboration. Learn more.

Practices Deliver What Processes Can’t

Pascal Matzke September 25, 2022
Struggling to move beyond agile and scale innovation across your organization? Learn how establishing new practices can help.

Succession Planning For The Security Org

What It Means September 15, 2022
Is overreliance on key security employees putting your entire organization at risk? Learn best practices for retention and succession planning in security from Senior Analyst Jess Burn.
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