Christopher Gilchrist

Principal Analyst

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TIER: Tech Leaders Must Adapt To The Evolving US Developer Labor Market

Christopher Gilchrist June 11, 2024
Despite the uncertain economic climate and continued layoffs, competition for skilled software developers will remain high. Get three key insights from our latest TIER report to help attract the best developers.

Navigating Challenges And Optimizing Performance In The Public Sector With TIER

Christopher Gilchrist April 30, 2024
In 2022, Forrester launched the tech insights and econometric research (TIER) series to provide technology executives with valuable reports on the key economic drivers that enable them to make informed decisions and drive customer value with technology. Recognizing that public sector and government entities have unique needs, we have introduced our initial series of public […]

Forrester’s Performance Optimization Model: Redesigning The IT Investment Thesis

Christopher Gilchrist February 28, 2024
In the rapidly evolving technology market, understanding the drivers of company performance is paramount when aiming to sustain and even increase your competitive positioning. Learn how to do that using Forrester’s Performance Optimization Model.

TIER: Use Forrester’s Tech Insights And Econometric Research To Navigate 2024 Successfully

Christopher Gilchrist February 6, 2024
Get four key takeaways in this preview of Forrester’s latest tech insights and econometric research (TIER) to help your organization navigate the murky waters of 2024 and achieve growth.

TIER: How To Evolve Your Business Model — Apple

Christopher Gilchrist October 23, 2023
Apple’s fintech plays have big implications for its core market and financial services. But it’s not the only tech company making moves.

TIER: Beyond The Bay Area — Leverage Geolocal Hiring To Expand Your Tech Talent Pool

Christopher Gilchrist October 11, 2023
Tech leaders that establish talent pipelines in new cities have exclusive access to high-end, cost-effective talent unavailable to their competitors. This is a necessity in a “doubly disrupted” labor market, where a growing mismatch between demanded and supplied skills will drive an even bigger mismatch between current and future skills and wages.

TIER: Emerging Tech’s Chicken And Egg Productivity Paradox

Christopher Gilchrist June 4, 2023
Many firms fail to understand the full impact that emerging technology has on productivity. In our new report, we cover what your tech productivity formula must include, how to maximize productivity with your tech investments, and the role operating capacity plays in productivity.

TIER: M&A And CVC Are Shifting The Growth Narrative

Christopher Gilchrist May 10, 2023
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), plus corporate venture capital (CVC), are shifting toward acquiring tech capabilities that give access to new markets.

TIER: How The Labor Market’s “Double Disruption” Impacts Your Talent Strategy

Christopher Gilchrist March 27, 2023
The labor market has been "doubly disrupted": find out how your organization can prepare for this structural change.

Future Fit Organizations Learn To Win

Katy Tynan March 6, 2023
To survive and thrive in the future of work, organizations must evolve from “doing” to “learning” in every aspect of their business process.

TIER: How (Not) To Evolve Your Business Model — Kodak

Christopher Gilchrist February 15, 2023
The story of Kodak’s failure is about much more than one shortsighted technology decision — it is about Kodak’s continued obliviousness to the fact that value delivery could evolve and that its business model had to evolve accordingly.

TIER: Tech Layoffs Are Signaling Something Much More Than A Downturn

Christopher Gilchrist February 3, 2023
Tech firms are making labor cuts to focus on profits instead of growth. Find out what this could mean for your industry and how you should respond.

Smart Tech Executives Will Position Their Company For The Coming Rebound

Christopher Gilchrist January 26, 2023
In 2023, technology executives should optimize their budgets with customer and employee experience as the North Star. Here’s a peek at three actions we recommend in our new report, “Navigating The 2023 Downturn: Technology Executive" to help tech executives can position their companies for market leadership when the rebound comes.

TIER: Use Forrester’s Tech Insights And Econometric Research To Succeed In 2023

Christopher Gilchrist January 24, 2023
To help execs prepare for 2023, we just published a new report, Use Forrester’s Tech Insights And Econometrics Research To Plan For 2023, to give insight into what labor, investments, budgets, and productivity will look like this year.

TIER: Technology Is An Engine For Growth, So Budget Accordingly

Christopher Gilchrist January 11, 2023
Don’t become the next Southwest. When cutting back this year, tech execs must consider how cuts could impact future outcomes.

TIER: Venture For Advantage In Today’s Uncertain Economy

Christopher Gilchrist November 16, 2022
Find out how executives can use corporate venturing to limit the downside and maximum the upside of technology investments in an uncertain economic time.

TIER: Growth Requires New Recipes, Not New Ingredients

Christopher Gilchrist October 26, 2022
After delivering my keynote at Technology & Innovation North America, another Forresterite joked to me: “That was great — but next time, more taco.” What did he mean? Well, to introduce my topic, “Growth Requires New Recipes, Not New Ingredients,” I discussed Austin Monthly’s Taco Madness, an annual March Madness-style voting competition that seeks to […]

Steadfast Technology Decisions Will Deliver Business Value In 2023

Christopher Gilchrist August 23, 2022
CIOs must approach their 2023 planning and budgeting period with a growth mindset. Get three takeaways from Forrester's 2023 planning guide for technology executives.

TIER: Find Your Rhythm In The Nashville Labor Market

Christopher Gilchrist August 11, 2022
Tech talent has dispersed into regional pockets calling for new recruiting strategies. Learn about one region that might not be on your radar.

TIER: Stay Ahead Of Competition With An Anywhere-Work Approach To Talent

Christopher Gilchrist August 1, 2022
Forrester’s research shows that two-thirds of US firms are moving to anywhere-work models, bringing a significant shift to the tech labor market. For most companies, the labor market is tight and continuing to tighten. The highest attrition rates and hardest jobs to fill are concentrated in the IT labor force. But there is another side to […]
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