Veronica Iles

Senior Consultant

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Author Insights


Five Tips For Justifying Your Business Case With The Help Of Total Economic Impact™ (For The Technology Decision-Maker)

Veronica Iles March 22, 2022
As companies consider new investments, they are — to at least some extent — already “digital” in many ways. Every new investment is more and more intertwined with a complex web of other technologies to deliver unique, personalized outcomes for every use case.

Three Reasons To Focus Beyond The ROI (For The Technology Marketer)

Veronica Iles March 1, 2022
Marketers often want high ROIs, but this can potentially put your salespeople in a difficult position where the prospect does not trust them or the company overall due to incredulous claims. When a salesperson is backed into a corner by a prospect that is skeptical of an excessive return, it would be better to have shown that prospect a more conservative ROI from the beginning.

Four Ways To Leverage Your Entire TEI Study (For The Vendor Sales Leader)

Veronica Iles January 21, 2022
Since the TEI study reflects the real, measurable impact of a technology investment, we do not quantify (for the ROI calculation) any benefits that the customers themselves have not measured. Nevertheless, it’s important to consider the abstract, and that’s why we have the Unquantified Benefits section.

Recipe For Success: Five Ways To Make The Most Of Your TEI Project Experience

Veronica Iles May 24, 2021
Are you about to kick off a Total Economic Impact project with Forrester? See these five ways to ensure your TEI project experience is a success.

Where To Start Your Business Case

Veronica Iles February 26, 2020
When approaching a business case, identifying the impacted areas can seem daunting. Luckily, with a little help, anyone can start estimating the impact that a new technology solution can have on revenue, cost savings, and other benefits. Technology solutions come in a variety of shapes and sizes; they are tailored to address needs across all types of industries, channels, and business segments. While no single technology solution can solve every problem, one business […]