Dan Bieler
Principal Analyst
Author Insights
Trust, Alignment, And Adaptivity Must Be The Focus Of Your AI Initiatives
Successful AI projects depend on three things: trust, alignment, and adaptivity. Learn how technology and CX professionals can further trust, alignment, and adaptivity when devising effective, sustainable, and scalable AI solutions.
Digital Business Strategy Service Providers Must Evolve To Deliver Value
Value creation should be at the center of each criterion for selecting digital service providers.
Reflections On The Major Themes From Mobile World Congress 2024
This year’s Mobile World Congress went well beyond the usual telco topics and themes. Learn six of the key themes coming out of one of the most important annual tech events in Europe.
Skills Management Can Make Or Break Your Emerging Tech Plans
Our new report How To Tackle Your Emerging Tech Skill Gaps introduces two frameworks that help business leaders address emerging skill needs.
Optimize Digital Budgets, Service Providers, And Skills — Or Lose The Digital Race
Forrester surveyed digital business strategy decision-makers globally on their priorities, investments, and organizational structures.
Gen Z: Who They Are And What They Want — Join Us For A Discussion With A Gen Z Employee
Are you wondering how to integrate and manage the Gen Z employees in your organization? We, Hannah and Dan, are hosting a webinar in which we bring together a Gen Z perspective (Hannah) and a Gen X perspective (Dan) to discuss Forrester research findings on Gen Z in the workplace. Rather than just looking at […]
Grasp The Opportunities That Gen Z Offers To Transform Your Organization
Gen Z employees, those workers born between 1997 and 2012, are entering your organization and will account for 27% of the workforce by 2025. To counter the myths and misconceptions about Gen Z, we surveyed thousands of Gen Zers in multiple countries. The results of this research are summarized in the report, Ready Or Not, […]
UBS Acquires Credit Suisse: A Trust Crisis That Continues To Unravel
Poor risk management practices, a questionable corporate culture, and a long series of scandals created an explosive mix that led to Credit Suisse’s collapse and consequent acquisition by rival UBS. While each theme deserves its own analysis, the sum of these events provides a crisp example of how the bank undermined the very definition of trust that ultimately caused its collapse. Here, we discuss the implications of the “rescue” of Credit Suisse by UBS.
Impressions From Mobile World Congress 2023
Mobile World Congress 2023 shows that there is still a lot of dynamism in the tech sector and gives attendees insights into networks, cloud infrastructure, and the emerging world of connected solutions.
Turn To Leading European Skill Clusters To Plug Digital Skill Gaps
Forrester has evaluated 50 European metropolitan regions to help business and technology leaders plug their digital skill gaps.
Bosch Embraces Cultural Transformation To Drive Innovation
There’s a saying that “culture is what people do when no one’s looking.” Bosch is internalizing this observation as it transforms into a digital business; the company’s culture directly impacts the way it works and innovates. The implications affect the entire Bosch organization, including HR, product development, technology, finance, and management. Here are some of […]
Diversity And Inclusion Matter In The Digital Context
A lack of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in digital teams poses some unique challenges: biased AI, harmful or inaccessible digital products and experiences, and challenges with recruiting and retaining digital talent. Learn how to tackle these challenges.
Learn From Amazon’s Approach To Innovation
Investigate the concepts that guide Amazon’s approach to innovation. There will be elements of great relevance for your organization. You can learn from and embrace these elements to fundamentally rethink your own approach to innovation.
Amazon Utilise Ce Principe Très Puissant Pour Donner La Priorité À Ses Clients
Étudiez les concepts qui guident l'approche d'Amazon en matière d'innovation. Il y aura des éléments d'une grande pertinence pour votre organisation. Vous pouvez apprendre de ces éléments et les adopter pour repenser fondamentalement votre propre approche de l'innovation.
Découvrez Le Rapport Direct Entre La Diversité Et L’Innovation
Découvrez pourquoi les responsables IT devraient faire de la diversité et de l'inclusion (D&I) un élément central de leur stratégie de gestion des talents.
Measuring The ROI Of Your Digital Investments
Traditional ROI models work poorly for transformative digital initiatives. Learn how to better measure the ROI of digital investments.
Avoid These Hiring Pitfalls To Attract The Best Digital Talent
To deliver excellent digital experiences and products, you need a superior digital talent strategy. Discover common pitfalls and learn from Amazon’s approach.
Lead A High-Performing Digital Team
Learn how digital business leaders can build a stellar team with the right digital competencies to execute the digital strategy.
Bosch setzt auf kulturellen Wandel – und treibt Innovationen voran
Erfahren Sie wie Bosch den kulturellen Wandel in den Mittelpunkt der digitalen Transformation stellt, um seine Innovationsfähigkeit zu stärken.
Bosch Adopte La Transformation Culturelle Pour Favoriser L’innovation
Bosch place la transformation culturelle au centre de sa transformation numérique pour renforcer ses capacités en matière d’innovation.
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